Monday, December 2, 2013


hi hon..lama sgt i rasa x update blog ni utk syg...i xde la bz just that i really miss u.. tiap hari sabtu i xkan tido lepas balik kerja sbb i tggu panggilan dr syg...assalamualaikum dr syg dah cukup buat i org paling bahagia..i just have to wait 10 month lagi for u..i wist time fly faster,.. i really miss u..hmm i really into lesbian reading and a bit obsessed with it..i tau yg u nk brubah, u nk i brubah..but i still dont get the calling..i xkn halang u syg..u nk brubah, go ahead.. ill try my best utk halang perasaan dan nafsu i utk u..ill try.,but please hon jgn paksa i..bukan i x nk i xnk paksaan u buat i jauh dr u...if that the way u want me to keep a distance, bukan mcm tu caranya.. just twll me and ill be gone ..i sayang u more than my life..more than anything..ill let u go bila u dah ok without me.. 

jgn salah faham sayang..i xpenah kat sini , xkesah how lonely i am, ill never flirt or find anyone to fill the loneliness.. i love u..i wont replace u dgn sesapa pun. i truly love you

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