Tuesday, December 17, 2013

hi. syg...miss u so much....i really miss u alot...i thinking about us a lot syg

Monday, December 9, 2013


hon..do u want ur own family?u want ur own kids? hmm..i cant give that to u..i sedar tu..i know one day you want someone who can take care of u..i can take care of u sayang..but if u wish that person is ur child, i cant give u that..byk i fikir skrg syg..our situation now making me realize how selfish i am of u..u give me a hint already on how one day , we r not going to be together..i just realize it now.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

miss u

sayang....i miss u..i wait for ur call today u tau x....i miss u so damn much

Monday, December 2, 2013


hi hon..lama sgt i rasa x update blog ni utk syg...i xde la bz sgt..it just that i really miss u.. tiap hari sabtu i xkan tido lepas balik kerja sbb i tggu panggilan dr syg...assalamualaikum dr syg dah cukup buat i org paling bahagia..i just have to wait 10 month lagi for u..i wist time fly faster,.. i really miss u..hmm

hon..now i really into lesbian reading and all..im a bit obsessed with it..i tau yg u nk brubah, u nk i brubah..but i still dont get the calling..i xkn halang u syg..u nk brubah, go ahead.. ill try my best utk halang perasaan dan nafsu i utk u..ill try.,but please hon jgn paksa i..bukan i x nk brubah..tp i xnk paksaan u buat i jauh dr u...if that the way u want me to keep a distance, bukan mcm tu caranya.. just twll me and ill be gone ..i sayang u more than my life..more than anything..ill let u go bila u dah ok without me.. 

jgn salah faham sayang..i xpenah kat sini , xkesah how lonely i am, ill never flirt or find anyone to fill the loneliness.. i love u..i wont replace u dgn sesapa pun. i truly love you