Tuesday, August 6, 2013

i will wait for you


i miss u so damn much... i cant stop counting the days for me to see u sayang... i want to hug u forever..i feel alone when u r not with me, even im surrounded with bunch of people.. its been 9 month sayang i have not hug u..and few more days i will..i'll wait years just for that few seconds sayang..oh damn it..sorry baby if this thing that i do now pissed u off, but i want u to know that i really am thinking of u all the time..baby please jgn tuduh boo bkn2.. im not flirting around and i have no intention at all..the first moment i said yes to be ur only one, i meant it..even now i have to wait one more years..everytime i close my eyes to sleep, ill think of u and ill dreaming of u..

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