Saturday, August 31, 2013

rinduu sangat

baby sayang....rindu baby sangat lah.....harap2 sayang sehat ...hmm...every morning before i sleep i will think about us...our future...i keep thinking about how i cant live without u...dont go away sayang...please....we got pinky swear....i love u forever..

Friday, August 30, 2013


my baby love..... i miss u...tiba2 i teringat dgn apa yg sayang ckp masa kita jumpa tu..syg ckp nnti lpas syg dah free baru kita ckp pasal hubungan kita..knp? syg takut i brubah hati trus cari org lain ? syg risau kan.... i dpt tau dr riak wajah sayang lagi bila i ckp i maybe pindah philipin or india.. i dpt jga bermuda or i takut sbb jauh sgt...lagi2 jauh dr syg....i tau syg sedeh kan kalau i pg... jgn risau i xkn pg pun sbb i da tolak awal2 lg..i cuma nk tau prasaan syg , samada syg happy atau syg sedeh...dr reaksi syg, i tau syg x nk i pg kan.. i syg u sgt2.. i pegang janji u syg ,.. i akan tggu u..lpas tu terpulang pada sayang mcm mana syg nk buat dgn hubungan kita ni.. p/s: still kissing and sniffing ur scent from the hndkerchief. <3

Thursday, August 29, 2013


baby....nk tido still jea tium22 dlu hndkrchf baby...sayang baby sgt2... muah muah ..i rindu sgt syg..

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

sleeping with

sayang.. i baru habes keje n now da smpi rumah...hndkerchf baby tuu boo ada simpan dlm plastik..nk tido jea trus boo cium2 tuu..moga hari ni dpt jmpamsayang dlm mmpi..i love u

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

kising u today!!!! i hug u today u..thanks for the handkerchief.. ill sleep with it from now on sayang...thanks..i love u...cant wait for us to be together

Monday, August 26, 2013

jalan pulang..

baby...sejak dua menjak ni, boo slalu trbaca tentang blog2 org yg mcm kita..pngalamn diorg yg cuba u tuk kmbali ke jln yg btol..hmmm..xtau lah tau smpai mana jea lah hubungan kita ni syg..kita x mungkin dpt ikatan yg halal dan suci dimata Allah..apatah lagi di mata keluarga x minta perasaan ni ada igt apa yg kita bincangkan masa last kita jumpa?u nak i jadi sahabat terbaik u..and i bgtau u, susah untuk i untuk just berkawan dengan u , tatap muka u, pegang tangan u yg xkan jadi hak i..hmm..bkn i xpnah buka hati i untuk org lain..bila i jatuh cinta ngan u pun, masa hati i x mencari..honestly, i confused dgn u syg..wht are we doing now? u slalu bgtau i yg u nk hubungan ni halal, sekadar u keep giving me hope yg we will always be together.i yold u, kalau u jmpa someone yg boleh guide u, yg boleh buat dia hak u didunia ni, pegi jea mungkin u xkan jmpa i lagi..enough la dgn hubungan kita yg terlarang ni, i x sggup nk tgk u dgn org lain..yes i wont forget u.. i love u too much and i will let u go when u found someone better..but until then, i will take care of u..and no matter what, u will always in my heart beat..take care yea sayang.

Sunday, August 25, 2013


sayang finally  boo dtg jmpa syg...tggu tau u

Saturday, August 24, 2013

this is me missing u

i really miss u..,


            hurry up baby....

Friday, August 23, 2013


baby..ur brother just txt me bgtau yg i dpt jumpa it is on my working days so sorry.. :'( and plus i know that ur family want to spend time with u ..and i should give u n ur family some space right..sayang im really sorry and im really sad i cant see u..forgive me sayang? ill see u on nxt visit i promise

Thursday, August 22, 2013


all the time im dreaming of u sayang..please come to me ..hearing ur voice is not enough sayang

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


baby..penat sgt i hari ni sayang.. i dont know how many time today i was thinking about our we have future together hon? i ask muself are u willing to be with me till my last breath?

one thing i know, if one day u found the one u really love and the one u can spent ur old time together with, just go ahead baby..i love u too much and i want u to be happy..but i dont think that i can be close to u..just thinking about it make my heart ache..

one day u will want kids, things i cant give u..u will want to marry, thing will never happen to us..just remember, no matter how far i am, i keep thinking about u.  because i love u

Monday, August 19, 2013


baby..i just woke tired sayang...wish u kat sebelah i and ill hug u getting ready for work.

baby x perlu risau ok? im not fooling around dgn siapa2.. my life is work and only u..

Sunday, August 18, 2013

too slow

baby im so bored and i really miss u damn much!!  i keep thinking about u all the time..i wish time fly faster ..

i want my baby now

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Friday, August 16, 2013

12 hour shift

sayang!! today i have to work 12 hour straight ...:(. penat sgt sayang...i nak u.. i miss u so dying here..i want u

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

i want u

i x tahan mcm ni...mana u.. i need u .. :'(

hon, please hurry .. need u badly.. i want u t make me feel better.. want u to hug me and just hug me..

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


i mimpi u dgn org lain kat sana!!!!!!!! sakitnya hati i ...knplah skrg ni i mimpi mcm2 syg...geram sgt i...pls baby jgn buat hal kat sana..i tggu u kat sini , pls dont hurt my heart, love..pls dont.

Monday, August 12, 2013


baby , i feel really sick today..and kejap lgi i da kne pg keje...syg... :'(

i miss u badly....doakan boo cpt sehat ok?

love u so much

Sunday, August 11, 2013

sick so miserable without u....please hurry back to me sick and no one take care of me..i want u now..please syang ;'( i miss u

selamat mlm sayang....

sayang... sedih sangat td jmpa sayang sekejappppp xplu risau pasal cincin ni la sayng... iam forever sorry sbb td boo tnya byk soklan baby ada x menggatal kat sana...sbb i jauh ...mcm mana kalau baby nnti tggal waiting for u sayang...dont let me down again.. love u so much..pls dont find someone better than me

Friday, August 9, 2013

bus ride tiring sayang...wanna sleep in ur arms now...on my way to kl and ill be meeting u soon ..wait for me k, love? muaaaahh...


im packing now love, heading back to kl on saturday night and fly straight to you.. sorry sayang i cant stay long.. the truth is i work on sunday night.. i have to train a new employee..and the ticket for evening is too expensive for me..  i really am sorry.. trust me the love i have for u never less than before...the distances we have now make me realize how much i cant live wthout u.. love u

Thursday, August 8, 2013


bagusnya kalau dpt celebrate raya dgn syg.... if i can make you mine in the eyes of everyone, i will sayang.... hmmmmm

i want the world to know how much inlove i am with u..if i can propose u and elope together, i will...

hun please make the days faster....its like a lifetime waiting for u...


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

x sabar nak jumpa syg!!!!

sayang!!!! two more days and ill be seeing u!!!!!! eventhough we are far apart, u are in every heartbeat of mine..




the day after tomorrow is raya ...and u not with me ;'(
promise me next time when we r together, i want u by my side..always..

i keep thinking about what u really want now.. being with me or being with yr family.. i want u to choose me..but i want u to be happy , n with ur family u will be , right sayang?...oh god ..i wish everything will be simpler!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

ill be right beside u dear....

Baby..... this song is for u..

I'll sing it one last time for you
Then we really have to go
You've been the only thing that's right
In all I've done

And I can barely look at you
But every single time I do
I know we'll make it anywhere
Away from here

Light up, light up
As if you have a choice
Even if you cannot hear my voice
I'll be right beside you dear

Louder louder
And we'll run for our lives
I can hardly speak I understand
Why you can't raise your voice to say

To think I might not see those eyes
Makes it so hard not to cry
And as we say our long goodbye
I nearly do

Light up, light up
As if you have a choice
Even if you cannot hear my voice
I'll be right beside you dear

Louder louder
And we'll run for our lives
I can hardly speak I understand
Why you can't raise your voice to say

Slower slower
We don't have time for that
All I want's to find an easy way
To get out of our little heads

Have heart, my dear
We're bound to be afraid
Even if it's just for a few days
Making up for all this mess

Light up, light up
As if you have a choice
Even if you cannot hear my voice
I'll be right beside you dear

i will wait for you


i miss u so damn much... i cant stop counting the days for me to see u sayang... i want to hug u forever..i feel alone when u r not with me, even im surrounded with bunch of people.. its been 9 month sayang i have not hug u..and few more days i will..i'll wait years just for that few seconds sayang..oh damn it..sorry baby if this thing that i do now pissed u off, but i want u to know that i really am thinking of u all the please jgn tuduh boo bkn2.. im not flirting around and i have no intention at all..the first moment i said yes to be ur only one, i meant it..even now i have to wait one more years..everytime i close my eyes to sleep, ill think of u and ill dreaming of u..